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I never know when to expect a new episode but I am always delighted when one shows up in my podcast app! I wish there were new episodes every week but I guess these dumb Bs have lives outside of the pod. Raised Wrong is always funny, often educational, and should have millions of fan!

Best podcast ever!
This show is a pleasure on the ears. These two fine young ladies are a gas!

Silly to the extreme
Came for the wonderful cover art. Stayed for the podcast. Good, bad, and silly life advice all in one place. All of it better than Cosmo.

A breath of fresh air. Hilarious insight into today’s world. Can’t wait for the next episode.

Every episode is a gem
I laugh, I cry, I cry-laugh. Every episode is just as great as the last. I feel like I’m hanging out with my two pals just talking about stuff, except I just listen.

If this is raised wrong, I’m glad I wasn’t raised right.
Feeling like you’re sitting in the closet, laughing along side two besties is everything. I love a podcast where I’m right in on the jokes and feel like I’m laughing right along with them.

I hate most podcasts but this one is very fun. The hosts have great chemistry and their show is structured which makes it easier to listen to. I’ve laughed out loud to myself listening to this several times. Five stars.

Snort Laugh
Two friends who are effortlessly funny! Jeanne and Jessica share gloriously raw, witty and fabulously raunchy humor and I love every minute of this duo!

My new best friends
I have nothing to do during this pandemic but take long walks and think about my own mortality. Then I found this podcast. Now I take long walks and listen to these ladies and for an hour I forget that we’re all going to die. Not really but it is very funny and I look forward to it every week.

Excellent Reco
A friend told me about this pod and I’m so glad they did. The host banter is so good and it almost makes me feel like I am hanging out with friends which I rarely get to do in these trying times. So funny and entertaining. A perfect listen for lonely weirdos who need some laughs!

Love love love
Remember the angel and devil sitting on Tom’s shoulder from Tom and Jerry. This is their podcast. Whether they agree or disagree, it’s fun to listen to each make a solid case.

I don't generally go for comedy podcasts (other than MBMBAM) but found this to be a refreshing breath of fresh air in these troubling times.

Just a couple of funny 90’s kids
You can tell these two have been friends since childhood. The jokes, the disagreements and the brutal honesty reminds me of my long time friendships.

Raised Wrong Saves Lives
Were it not for the gripping humor and ROFL satire of Raised Wrong, my wife and I might have died. Probably we should not have attempted to drive through the night 20 hours straight through from Massachusetts to Georgia, but from hour 16 to 18 we definitely needed a boost, a distraction, something to prevent us from falling asleep at the wheel. We cued up this podcast and, reader, it saved us. Within moments we were wide awake and bursting with belly laughs. If you need to stay awake for some reason, you need this podcast. And even if you're well-rested, you need this podcast.

Better than my tired music library
I had a long drive home and couldn't bear to listen to same old songs again and again. Forgetting that I had complete access to every song ever recorded courtesy of Apple Music, I instead remembered that podcasts were a thing and that people sometimes listen to them whilst on long drives. So I yelled thunderously over the sound of exactly-the-speed-limit-speed wind rushing through my open windows, “Hey Siri, play the new episode of the Raised Wrong podcast!” To my somewhat surprise, Siri knew exactly what I was talking about, and soon I was greeted with the melodious voices of our hosts. Hostesses? Damnit, I don’t know what’s correct anymore (but “hostesses" sounds like multiple prepackaged baked sweets — and, honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear such a thing discussed at length on this podcast at some point). Maybe I should email said hosts/hostesses and ask which is correct, because I’m sure they know! They know so many things, and are very pretty probably, depending on who you ask — or is it whom? I bet they know the answer to that, too! These are the things I have learned from listening to this podcast. You will learn much, too. Anyway, because of how good this podcast was, I had to roll up my windows to better hear it, only to find that I still couldn’t hear it because of HOW LOUDLY I WAS LAUGHING! Also I got hot. So, 5/5, would recommend, but sometimes hard to hear and will make you hot.

“Thou shalt not have any other podcasts before me”
Admittedly, one of the lesser known 10 commandments, it certainly was issued to ensure everyone paid attention to this particular podcast. I am not really a podcast person. Listening to other people pontificate about topics they pretend to be omniscient kills my attention span instantly. However, when gazing upon such magnificent cover art, I felt mesmerized and magnetically drawn to the podcast like a paramecium to pancake mix. I also heard an ominous voice reminding me of the aforementioned commandment. Raised Wrong — witty? Yes. Charming? To be sure. PG rating for the kiddos? Definitely not. Should all kids listen to this? Unequivocally yes. The perfect blend of real talk, sex, pancake mix, sex and passionately articulated viewpoints in life’s most crucial problems makes this podcast a must-listen. Throw in a combined IQ pushing 320 between these two and you’re not going to be able to disagree with anything they say. Anything. Think of it like this. It’s gospel. Essentially the only philosophy and viewpoints you need for your soul to thrive and become whole. Raised Wrong - for those of us either raised right or not raised wrong enough — sit back and let you body tingle to the undeniably intellectually and sexually satisfying voices of these two podcast geniuses.

It’s rare that a podcast makes me laugh out loud, but this has so far. Like having a conversation with your friends. Can’t wait for the next episode!

Like hanging out with your funniest friends. I kept trying to join in on the conversation. The worst thing about it having to wait another week to hear the next one

So funny, without even trying.
How did I never know about “all dressed” chips? Almost 30 years of living with a Canadian ... my life has been a lie. I walk down the street listening to these two and grin like a fool, when I’m not laughing out loud. Best social distancing tool on the market.

Super funny and relatable!
Very much enjoyed the first few episodes...great background for my commute or an easy run through my neighborhood. The hosts are clearly great friends, and invite their listeners to join them in that friendship...this feels like a very satisfying convo over brunch.