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Sept. 19, 2023

Who Killed Mr. Rogers? w/ Ava Williams

Who Killed Mr. Rogers? w/ Ava Williams

Let's give a warm Raised Wrong welcome to special guest/artist/neighbor/friend/copywriter Ava Williams! Topics include advertising, Jeanne’s 3rd grade music teacher, an update on walking, Bob Odenkirk, coffee (is it bad?), pepperoncinis (is that how you say it?), peanut butter and the state of journalism, being a jock, nausea (is it worse than itchy??), and more. Plus, we discuss "Mind Tricks That Get You What You Want" from a 2008 Cosmopolitan magazine and...wow. And finally a clever little neighbor-themed edition of F**k/Marry/Kill.

Main Stories:
00:09:30 - Another walking update!
00:13:30 - What are we horny for?
00:46:40 - Cosmo's "Mind Tricks That Get You What You Want" (2008)
01:09:50 - Internet Dumb: "Never Throw Out An Empty Peanut Butter Jar"
01:16:30 - FMK: Ned Flander, Cosmo Kramer, & Mr. Rogers